Kiwibank SWIFT Codes in New Zealand

The SWIFT code for Kiwibank belongs to Citibank New Zealand. Citibank has been kind enough to accept payments on behalf of Kiwibank.

IMPORTANT: When receiving money from an international account, make sure the sender includes “Forward to Kiwibank” in the reference field.

There is a different SWIFT code is you wish to make a deposit into your Kiwibank Foreign Currency Account which can be found below as well.

Here are Kiwibank’s current SWIFT codes:

Branch Name

Swift Code

KIWIBANK, Wellington branch KIWINZ22


Kiwibank BIC Codes

Does Kiwibank charge to use its SWIFT codes?

Absolutely not.

If you’re currently outside of New Zealand, looking to transfer funds into a Kiwibank account, all you need to do it find out the correct SWIFT code (in the above table) and enter it into the correct field when you’re entering in the transaction details for your own bank.

Please note, even though Kiwibank doesn’t charge to use its codes, your bank may charge fees for international transfers. In order to not be surprised by unexpected fees, we recommend you contact your bank before submitting the transfer request to confirm any fees which may be charged.

On the other hand, if you’re already in New Zealand and are providing the code to someone outside of New Zealand to transfer money into your own Kiwibank account, again – no fees will be charged to you.

However, as the transfer may need to be processed by a bank in between the originating bank and Kiwibank, they may charge processing fees which will be deducted from the funds available. This may result in the total funds arriving in your account being lower than anticipated.

If you can, call Kiwibank or confirm with the sending party if they’re able to determine whether any intermediary banks will deduct processing fees.

How fast do transfers occur using their codes?

Generally, international transfers using SWIFT codes take between 12 hours to 72 hours. Again, it depends if there are any banks in between and a number of other factors such as bank cut off times, processing times etc.

For your own situation, we advise confirming with the bank their estimations of the transfer time.

If you are in an urgent situation and require funds to be transferred near instantly, we recommend you consider taking advantage of organisations that specialise in this service.

Some of these companies include Transferwise, Western Union, TorFX, and a number of others. Many websites already list the advantages and disadvantages of each which you’re able to see yourself.

From our experience, we find many people talk highly of Transferwise – their speed, customer service, low fees, and ease of use. Again, check them all out for yourself and see which one fits your needs.

Do these codes ever change?

It’s highly unlikely Kiwibank’s codes will change in the near future.

Many organisations around the world, including private individuals such as yourself, use the codes on a regular basis, if not daily.

If their codes were to change on a regular basis, it could throw the system into haywire and cause much distress for many people around the world.

Even though they don’t change often, it’s best to always confirm you’re entering the right code before hitting the confirm button. Never hurts to double check and it’ll only take you a few minutes at the maximum.

If could save you hours, if not days in re-processing and sending the transfer.

Find more information about Kiwibank here.

Find all of Kiwibank’s branches and ATMS in New Zealand here.