Rabobank New Zealand

On this page can be found detailed information about the Rabobank New Zealand, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Rabobank NZRabobank New Zealand operates as a subsidiary of the world’s leading Dutch-based food and agribusiness bank Rabobank Groep N.V.

If you could guess by the strange spelling above, Rabobank is a subsidiary of the multinational Dutch company, Rabobank. Their headquarters are located in Utrecht, Netherlands.

Rabobank New Zealand, on the other hand, has been headquartered in Wellington since its registration in 1994.

The company’s focus is on rural banking, high-interest savings accounts, and business banking. Net income sits around $100 million in 2014 and looks to continue to grow.

Rabobank Branch

Prominent services that Rabobank offer include:

  • Loans
  • Deposits
  • Risk management
  • Assisting in helping you build your farm
  • Providing business management programs

Head office address

Level 23, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington
Wellington Central, Wellington
6011, New Zealand

Postal address:
PO Box 38396
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045
New Zealand


Local Rabobank Branch

  • 0800 722 622

Client Services

  • From New Zealand: 0800 500 933

RaboDirect Customer Service

  • From New Zealand: 0800 224 433