Kookmin Bank New Zealand

On this page can be found detailed information about the Kookmin Bank New Zealand, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Kookmin Bank NZKookmin Bank is a South Korean bank which has been operating in New Zealand as well since its registration in 1997. Making it one of the older banks.

Originally founded 53 years ago, its headquarters continue to remain in the heart of South Korea, its capital city Seoul. Focusing more on the Asian market, Kookmin Bank does a few locations across continental borders.

March 2014 saw the bank rated as among the four largest in South Korea by asset value.

Kookmin Bank is only one of the division its parent company, KB Financial Group, operates. They also have activities in insurance, data systems, credit information, real estate trust, and much more.

Kookmin Bank Branch

The New Zealand branch of Kookmin Bank offers the following services:

  • Savings products and accounts
  • Personal and business loans
  • Transfers between other accounts
  • Overseas transfers using SWIFT codes

Head office address

Level 19, 135 Albert Street
Auckland, New Zealand


Phone numbers:

  • Phone: +64 9 366 1000
  • Fax: +64 9 366 6608