Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (New Zealand) Ltd

On this page can be found detailed information about the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (New Zealand) Ltd, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited is a subsidiary of the largest bank in the world, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Ranked the largest by total assets worth nearly USD $3 trillion and market capitalisation of around USD $142 billion. Those are some big numbers, most of us are unable to comprehend a company so powerful.

It was even able to achieve its current status in only 32 years. Back in 1984 it opened the first branch in Beijing and operated as a local state-run bank. Expanding across the globe further each year, currently employees stand at over 375,000.

Recently in 2013, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China opened a branch in Auckland, New Zealand.

ICBC Bank Branch

They offer the following services to their local New Zealand customers:

  • Personal accounts
  • Term deposits and savings
  • Institutional and corporate banking facilities
  • Property financing
  • General loans and finance

Head office address

Level 11, 188 Quay Street
Auckland, New Zealand


Office number:

  • +64 9 374 7288

Branch number:

  • +64 9 374 7266