Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (New Zealand) Ltd

On this page can be found detailed information about the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (New Zealand) Ltd, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UJF NZBank of Tokyo-Mitsubish UFJi (New Zealand) Limited is a subsidiary of Japan’s largest bank, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ following a merger in 2006.

The merger was between the Bank of Tokyo-Mistubishi Ltd and UFJ Bank Ltd. Following the merger, the bank servers as the core investment banking, corporate and retail division of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.

A large percentage of its customers are made of up corporate Japanese businesses. However overseas corporate lending has started to dramatically increase over the past few years. As of 2010, Bloomberg ranked the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (New Zealand) Ltd as the largest in Japan, and eighth largest in the world.

It currently has 772 offices in Japan and another 76 overseas, including one here in New Zealand.

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Branch

The bank provides a massive range of financial services and instruments such as:

  • Supply chain finance
  • Acquisition financing
  • Cross boarder syndicate loans
  • Cash management and trade finance
  • Ship financing

Head office address

Level 22, 151 Queen Street
Auckland, New Zealand


Phone Numbers:

  • Phone: +64 9 302 3554
  • Fax: +64 9 302 3553