Bank of China (New Zealand) Ltd

On this page can be found detailed information about the Bank of China (New Zealand) Ltd, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Bank of China NZBank of China (New Zealand) Limited is a subsidiary of China’s most diversified and internal bank, Bank of China. Their main office is located in Auckland.

Formally established way back in 1912, the bank has grown to provides financial and banking services to over 41 countries around the world. From the year 1912 until 1949, Bank of China served as China’s central bank, specialised international trade bank as well as the international exchange bank.

As per the bank registration board, Bank of China has been conducting banking activities in New Zealand from the 21st November 2014. That makes it New Zealand’s most recent bank to be officially registered.

Bank of China (New Zealand) Limited have also stated according to their website that they will “meet its social responsibilities, strive for excellence, and make further contributions to achieving the China Dream and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Bank of China Branch

Services include a range of corporate and personal banking such as:

  • Current accounts and fixed deposits
  • Corporate loan facilities
  • International settlements
  • Mortgages and home lending and
  • Trade finance

Head office address

Level 17, 205 Queen Street
Auckland, New Zealand


Main Office

  • +64 9 980 9000
  • 0800 695 566