Bank of Baroda (New Zealand) Ltd

On this page can be found detailed information about the Bank of Baroda (New Zealand) Ltd, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

Bank of Baroda NZBank of Baroda (New Zealand) Limited is a subsidiary of India’s International Bank. Officially registered as a bank since 2009 under the RBA Act (1989).

The bank is the first Indian bank to open in the New Zealand marketplace. Gujurat, India houses the headquarters for Bank of Baroda, and has been since if foundation in 1908. With assets in excess of US$53 billion and a network spanning 25 countries, New Zealander’s are granted access to a great wealth of locations.

As well, it boasts a global customer base of over 39 million according to their website. This is mainly able to be achieved through its massive reach of its 3900 branches all across India. If you ever travel to India, you’re more than likely to come across Bank of Baroda.

Bank of Baroda is continuing to expand is operations across the globe. Currently waiting on approvals for branches in Bahrain, South Africa, Qatar, Kuwait, and many more. It’s first branch in Malaysia was greatly successful in 2010, which prompted ambitious plans to increase to 15 branches across the country within the next three years.

Rapidfunds2India is currently it’s most popular service due to its speed and easy usability.

Bank of Baroda Branch

Other services the bank offers include:

  • Savings accounts
  • Fixed and flexi term deposits
  • Everyday personal and business accounts
  • Personal and business loans and
  • Mortgages

Head office address

114 Dominion Road, Mount Eden
Auckland, New Zealand



  • +64 9 632 1020


  • +64 9 638 5082

Toll Free (Auckland):

  • 0800 024 404 (business hours only)