The full list of Kookmin Bank branches in New Zealand, with contact information, branch locations and addresses.
As Auckland in the most populated city area in New Zealand, the managers of Kookmin Bank were wise to choose to setup their one branch location in the city centre.
They have operated with only one branch since 1997 so it doesn't look like they have any plans on expanding to other areas of the country such as Wellington or Christchurch.
As Auckland in the most populated city area in New Zealand, the managers of Kookmin Bank were wise to choose to setup their one branch location in the city centre.
They have operated with only one branch since 1997 so it doesn't look like they have any plans on expanding to other areas of the country such as Wellington or Christchurch.

Kookmin Bank Locations - New Zealand
Type first letters of branch name, location name or address:
Kookmin Bank Branch Auckland
Auckland Central, Auckland
Level 19, 135 Albert Street
1010 New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 366 1000