The full list of BNZ ATMs in Southland, New Zealand with location addresses.
You'll find that most of the ATMs listed below are in and around the town of Invercargill. Being the largest city in Southland, it requires the most anyway.
Fun Fact: Invercargill has an average temperature of 9.5 °C in July to 18.7 °C in January.
You'll find that most of the ATMs listed below are in and around the town of Invercargill. Being the largest city in Southland, it requires the most anyway.
Fun Fact: Invercargill has an average temperature of 9.5 °C in July to 18.7 °C in January.

BNZ ATMs in Southland
Type first letters of branch name, location name or address:
Stadium Southland ATM
21 Surrey Park Rd, Invercargill
Available 24/7
Talking ATM
Gore ATM
38 Main St, Gore
Available 24/7
Talking ATM
Accepts deposits
Gore New World ATM
4 Irk St, Gore
Available 24/7
Talking ATM
Invercargill ATM
84 Esk St, Invercargill
Available 24/7
Accepts deposits
Invercargill Pak’nSave ATM
95 Tay St, Invercargill
Mon-Sun: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Talking ATM
Te Anau ATM
34 Town Centre, Te Anau
Available 24/7
Talking ATM
Winton New World ATM
293 Great North Rd, Winton
Mon-Sun: 8:00am – 8:00pm
Elles Rd New World ATM
244 Elles Rd, Invercargill
Mon-Sun: 8:00am – 9:00pm
Talking ATM
Windsor New World ATM
51 Windsor St, Windsor, Invercargill
Mon-Sun: 7:30am – 10:00pm
Talking ATM