BankDirect New Zealand

On this page can be found detailed information about the BankDirect New Zealand, including headquarters address, contacts details, links to bank's branches/ATMs locations lists by country's region or city/town.

BankDirect New Zealand logoBankDirect is a fully online subsidiary of ASB bank, allowing customers to use their services via internet, phone, or mobile.

Quite similar to Rabobank’s fully online division, RaboDirect, BankDirect has been created by ASB (Auckland Savings Bank) to provide a higher level, and more convenient banking and financial services to those no longer requiring physical access to traditional brick-and-mortar bank branches around New Zealand.

BankDirect has chosen to solely serve individual customers, meaning they don’t conduct transactions with any types or business, no matter how large or small. This allows them to completely focus on providing the best customer satisfaction possible by specialising in one specific niche.

Not only in the individual niche, they have gone one step further and chosen to specialise in home loans. Providing their customers with far lower costing home loans solutions, as well as expert advice from their team of specialists.

With no physical stores to maintain, pay taxes on, or rent, the online bank can greatly reduce the fees they charge on their products. For example, on their High-Interest Transaction Account, there are practically no fees for any of its uses (except using non-ASB ATMs). And even the Flat Monthly Base Fee of $10 is rebated if your average monthly balance is $5,000 or more for the month.

You can find a full list of their fees on this page.

BankDirect Online Website

BankDirect offer a vast range of financial services including:

  • Home loans
  • Transaction and savings accounts
  • Credit/debit cards
  • Term deposits
  • A range of insurance policies
  • Foreign exchange and travel services
  • Share trading (through ASB’s platform)
  • Personal loans

Head office address

Postal Address
Freepost 96856
PO Box 35
Shortland Street
Auckland 1140
New Zealand


General Enquiry

  • From New Zealand: 0800 500 400
  • From overseas: +64 9 308 0308


  • From New Zealand: 0800 500 404
  • From overseas: +64 9 308 1027